I've been studing software engineering at the Technical University of Denmark(DTU), but have put the formal education on the back burner.
While studing Software Engineering(SE) at DTU I loved these courses that I think stand out:
ID | English | Danish |
02157 | Functional Programming | Funktionsprogrammering |
02158 | Concurrent Programming | Parallelprogrammering |
02159 | Operating Systems | Operativsystemer |
02170 | Database Systems | Databasesystemer |
02131 | Embedded Systems | Indlejrede systemer |
02110 | Algorithms and Data Structures | Algoritmer og datastrukturer |
02161 | Software Engineering | Software Engineering |
02403 | Introduction to Statistics | Introduktion til statistik |
02141 | Computer Science Modelling | Datalogisk modellering |
02601 | Introduction to Numerical Algorithms | Introduktion til numeriske algoritmer |
01017 | Discrete Mathemathics | Diskret matematik |
I have been a teaching assistant in these courses:
ID | English title | Danish title |
02159 | Operating Systems | Operativsystemer |
02115 | Java Programming | Java-programmering |
02335 | Web-technology & Datakommunication | Netteknologi A |
In the endless mission of being ever more effecient and productive, these are some technologies I use:
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